A Summer Long Outdoor Art Exhibition
Opening Celebration this Sunday June 26th
1-4 pm at The Snyder Estate in Rosendale
This summer I was invited to be one of 16 artists who are each creating a site specific project to be installed on the grounds of the Snyder Estate in Rosendale.(668 NY-213, Rosendale, NY 12472) I am excited to say that my piece is finished and installed alongside the others and we are all looking forward to the opening celebration this Sunday from 1-4pm! What did I create?? You’ll just have to come out to see! ; ) Just kidding, I wouldn’t keep you in the dark. I’ll have photos on my Facebook page from the installation, opening and throughout the summer. I’ll also do a post next week about my process and have lots of details and photos about my project. Meanwhile here is IN:SITE’s project homepage where you can see photos from the installations and other information.
IN:SITE is a summer-long outdoor art exhibit at the Century House Historical Society (CHHS) on the Snyder Estate in Rosendale, NY, home of the Widow Jane Mine. Curated by Jenny Lee Fowler and Natasha Maria Brooks-Sperduti, sixteen artists from the Northeast present site-specific sculptures and performances engaging the location’s rich natural and industrial histories:insiterosendale.com.
The June opening event will feature special performances beginning at 2pm and 3pm and works of a more ephemeral nature. Many of the contemporary art pieces will remain on display throughout the summer— enduring or changing with the season and worthy of repeat visits.
Grounds of the Snyder Estate are open seven days a week from May-September during daylight hours. Fans of geology, 19th century American industry, and New York state history will want to visit when the CHHS museum is open as well, on Sundays between 1:00pm-4:00pm.
This event kicks off this season’s CHHS Projects and is made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program, a re-grant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and administered by Arts Mid-Hudson.
