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Working with Bark: From Tree to Basket

June 2019 in the Hudson Valley, New York State

Photo Oct 08, 3 01 07 PM
Photo Oct 08, 3 01 07 PM
Making Miniature Baskets
IMG 0832
A Beautiful Tiny Coiled Basket With Plant Dye Yarn
Beautiful Folded And Woven Birch Bark Baskets
DSC 3784 Min
Pine Bark Necklace By Katie Grove
The Cattail Marsh
Photo Jun 11, 1 45 31 PM
Photo Jun 11, 4 00 01 PM
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IMG 0790
Photo Sep 28, 9 45 36 AM
Gorgeous Braided Black Walnut Rim
Harvesting Grasses For Coiling
IMG 0797
Photo Oct 08, 3 01 07 PMMini Twined BasketsIMG 0832Tiny Coiled BasketBirch Bark BasketsDSC 3784 MinPine Bark NecklaceThe Cattail MarshPhoto Jun 11, 1 45 31 PMPhoto Jun 11, 4 00 01 PMIMG 0069IMG 0790Photo Sep 28, 9 45 36 AMTwined Basket 12Harvesting Grass BasketsIMG 0797

An Introduction to Three Basketry Techniques in a Weekend

Saturday and Sunday July 21st and 22nd 2018


To be on the waiting list click the link below. It is still early and I am finalizing registration with the 10 participants so it is entirely likely a space will open up. If not you will be automatically put onto my list for ‘first dibs’ next time I host this series.

What is better than leaving a basketry workshop with a finished basket? Going home with a whole collection of baskets! In this multi-day workshop you will get a sampling of several key basketry techniques while making miniature or small baskets. Coiling, twining, and folded bark techniques will all be covered in detail and by making multiple small baskets you have a chance to really get to know each technique. This weekend intensive is perfect for those who are traveling further to attend and want to get a great taste of the world of basketry in a weekend.

Details, dates, info about the weekend are below. If you want to sign up for the waiting list either email me or you can click the green button below. It’s still early so is entirely likely a space will open up.

Thanks and I can’t wait to make baskets together!



Mohonk Road, High Falls, NY 12440. 


Saturday July 21st, 10:00 – 5:00

Sunday July 22, 10:00 – 5:00

With an hour break for lunch, which will be provided.


$365 for the weekend


  • All locally harvested and hand prepared plant materials to make 3-6 baskets.
  • A delicious lunch on Saturday and Sunday
  • Handouts on all the techniques covered


If you are traveling to the workshop there are many lovely places to spend the night locally. Here are a few links to the ones I am somewhat familiar with and a google search will find you more. Nearby Kingston and New Paltz also have motels and hotels.


Here is a link to air bnbs in the area for the weekend of the 21st. 

Bed and Breakfasts:

The 1850s House

The Arbor BNB


Creekview Campsites

Making the Baskets: Coiling, Twining, and Folded Bark

Over the course of the weekend you will…

Gain a well rounded understanding of three basic basketry techniques as well as making cordage and several variations within each technique.

Work with a variety of materials, including  cattails, grasses, iris leaves, basswood fiber, white pine bark, red osier dogwood, inner bark of a variety of trees, including ash, tulip poplar, hickory, and more.

Go on at least one land walk to harvest some materials for our baskets that are in season while discussing harvest times and techniques for others. 

Leave with several finished baskets as well as the knowledge and inspiration to continue to create baskets with wild harvested plants


In our first basket you will be introduced to the wonderful and incredibly versatile technique of coiling. Coiling is an ancient technique in which rows of material are layered and sewn together one row at a time in a spiral to create a basket. In this class we will use split cattails, grasses, iris leaves, and a variety of other seasonally available materials as the core of our baskets. Several open work stitching techniques will be covered, including line stitch, v stitch, and core wrapping to create a variety of patterns over the corse materials. We will also discuss how to harvest and prepare cattails and grasses for coiling.

coiled baskets at mohonk mountain house


Twining is technique in which two weavers are twined around splints to create a tightly woven and solid basket. Used by people all over the world, twining is a technique that can be adapted to use with many different long flexible materials. In this class we will use locally harvested cattails, basswood fiber, dogbane, and other materials for weavers and inner tree bark from a variety of tree species for the stakes . Both two and three strand twining will be used. This is a great technique for either creating a small sized or several miniature baskets.

making miniature baskets


Making containers using different kinds of tree bark is an ancient practice. During this workshop we will created folded bark baskets using primarily white pine bark. You will learn how to fold and sew the bark and attach a rim to make a beautiful container in a variety of shapes. We will cover how to design a basket pattern and find and harvest different kinds of bark.


What does it look like to make a basket?

To see some examples of baskets and student experiences from single day workshops check out the blog posts below or visit my current/past workshops page. There is such an amazing array of students that take my classes and I’m always impressed with the creativity and individuality that comes out when a person sits down and allows themselves the time to make something beautiful with their hands. 

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