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Sculptural Twining Weekend Basketry Workshop

August 2022 in the Hudson Valley, New York State

These Are Baskets By A Couple Who Were Taking The Workshop Together!
These Are Baskets By A Couple Who Were Taking The Workshop Together!
Photo Jun 11, 1 45 09 PM
Wild And Fun!
Twining With Alternative Materials
 DSC0047 Min
Close Up Of Twined Basket With Natural Accent
Harvesting A Tulip Poplar
An Open Tray With A Braided Rim
This One Was Made As An Easter Basket For The Student's Daughter
A Beautifully Creative Piece With A Found Object Base And Black Walnut Bark
Making Miniature Baskets
Kudzu, Honeysuckle, And Cattail With Basswood Cordage Lashing
IMG 7724
Tiny Basket In The Grass
IMG 0801
These Are Baskets By A Couple Who Were Taking The Workshop Together!Photo Jun 11, 1 45 09 PMWild And Fun!Sculptural Twining DSC0047 MinTwined Basket 8Harvesting A Tulip PoplarAn Open Tray With A Braided RimThis One Was Made As An Easter Basket For The Student's DaughterA Beautifully Creative Piece With A Found Object Base And Black Walnut BarkMini Twined BasketsKudzu, Honeysuckle, And Cattail With Basswood Cordage LashingIMG 7724Tiny BasketIMG 0801

A weekend of wild basketry using all locally harvested plant materials

Saturday and Sunday August 6th and 7th


I will update soon with the rescheduled date. Thanks so much for your patience!!

In this workshop participants will use twining, one of the most classic and versatile basketry techniques, to create unique sculptural vessels. Multiple styles of twining will be covered as well as basic weaving techniques of regular weave and twill. While the focus of the workshop will be on how to use local plant materials, participants are encouraged to bring their own materials to experiment with and incorporate into their baskets. We will be using cattails, iris, akebia vine, wisteria, various inner barks of local trees, birch bark, basswood fiber and more! The nuances of harvesting, processing, and using these plants will be covered in detail throughout the weekend. I want you to walk away from this workshop with the ability to look at your landscape in a brand new way and have the skills to be able to start going out on your own to harvest plants. We will also be incorporating found materials such as wire, fabric, wool, yarn, plastics and more, making this a great project for those who like to repurpose everyday items from your home and studio. Students will have the opportunity to either work on one larger basket or several small ones. 

Great for both beginners and experienced basket makers alike as well as artists and creative individuals who love using natural materials and want to expand their skill set.

This weekend intensive is perfect for those who are traveling further to attend and want to get a great taste of the world of basketry in a weekend.

Details, dates, info about the weekend are below. If you want to sign up click the green button below to register.

Thanks and I can’t wait to make baskets together!



Old Kings Highway, Stone Ridge NY 12484 


Saturday August 6th, 10:00 – 5:00

Sunday August 7th, 10:00 – 5:00

With an hour break for lunch


$270 for the weekend


  • All locally harvested and hand prepared plant materials to make either one regular sized basket or several smaller ones
  • Handouts on all the techniques covered


If you are traveling to the workshop there are many lovely places to spend the night locally. Here are a few links to the ones I am somewhat familiar with and a google search will find you more. Nearby Kingston and New Paltz also have motels and hotels.


Here is a link to air bnbs in the area 

Bed and Breakfasts:

The 1850s House

The Arbor BNB


Creekview Campsites

Weaving the Basket

Twining, Twill and More

Twining is technique in which two weavers are twined around splints to create a tightly woven and solid basket. Used by people all over the world, twining is a  can be adapted to use with many different long flexible materials. In this class we will use locally harvested cattails, akebia and honeysuckle vine, basswood fiber, dogbane, and other materials for weavers and inner tree bark from a variety of tree species for the stakes. Throughout the weekend we will discuss how to find, harvest, and process the multitude of natural materials that we utilize in the baskets for those who are excited to get out in the field and collect materials for your own baskets at home. You will also go home with handouts on the techniques covered.

While this class is called ‘sculptural twining’ it is also great for those who want to make a more traditional basket right alongside those who want to explore, experiment, and make more sculptural vessels. No matter what each person’s basket will turn out unique, natural, and beautiful.

What does a day of basketry look like?

To see some examples of baskets and student experiences from single day workshops check out the blog posts below or visit my current/past workshops page. There is such an amazing array of students that take my classes and I’m always impressed with the creativity and individuality that comes out when a person sits down and allows themselves the time to make something beautiful with their hands. 

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