A weekend of wild basketry using all locally harvested plant materials
Saturday and Sunday October 3rd and 4th
CLASS IS FULL – you can fill out the registration to get on the waitlist or just email me.
Enjoy the bounty of nature by using a bounty of wild harvested plants create a ribbed basket. Each participant will choose the depth of their basket and pattern of materials to make a unique piece of functional art. You can make a tray basket to use as a table centerpiece or add a handle and god’s eye lashing to to use it for gathering vegetables– the design is up to you! The basics of ribbed basket construction will be covered as well as processing and preparing materials. The plants used depend on what is available for me to harvest for the workshop, but include grapevines, red osier dogwood, bittersweet, willow, prepared elm inner bark, cattail, and more! We will also discuss identification and how to harvest the different plant materials used in class, and weather depending we will include some harvesting in the class. You will leave with a basket, handouts on everything covered during the workshop, and a new appreciation for the beautiful and abundant plants in our landscape. Come join us for a lovely weekend of weaving, learning, and laughter this autumn!
Great for both beginners and experienced basket makers alike as well as artists and creative individuals who love using natural materials and want to expand their skill set.
This weekend intensive is perfect for those who are traveling further to attend and want to get a great taste of the world of basketry in a weekend.
Due to Covid 19 several adjustments have been made in how I hold workshops including reduced workshop size. Below you can see my precautionary measures and participant requirements. Also please note that this workshop is subject to change or be cancelled given major developments in the Covid 19 situation.