In this series you will
Create a multitude of finished projects.
Work with a variety of materials including bone, wood, stone, bark, wild fibers, leather, and primitive glues
Learn alongside others who value our connection to the natural world.
Reconnect to the ancestral skills every person has in their history.
Come away with a range of new skills, inspirations, and a personalized tool kit for making and creating.
Our inspiration in creating this series comes from many places. It comes from a desire to build community and share skills. It comes from a deep reverence for the earth and the materials that it provides- animal, plant, and mineral alike. It comes from a feeling of overwhelming creativity and excitement to learn, make and share. Our days together will be a mix of processing materials, learning techniques, and working on projects. There will also be a strong emphasis on nature connection and our personal journeys with the process. Journaling and discussion will be emphasized.
Working with animal products / During this series we will be respectfully working with some animal products, including bone, sinew, and hide. All of our materials, not just limited to those products from animals, are handled with respect and care and we are excited to share this part of the journey with participants.
Time outside of class / We will start several projects during the first few classes. Please know that depending on your you will most likely need to spend time between our sunday sessions to finish them. Part of the beauty of filing down a piece of bone into an awl is the time that must be dedicated to this meditative task. Taking that experience home with you is important to the process of learning these ancient skills and one of our favorite parts of this series.

Zach Fisher grew up amongst the redwood forests and beaches of the Northern California coast. The pursuit of art and music brought him to NYC and eventually to Tom Brown Jr’s Tracker School which he considers to be the beginning of the education he was always looking for. He began teaching primitive skills and nature connection in 2011 and has since worked for several earth skills programs including the Wild Earth Foundation, the Children of the Earth Foundation, Two Coyotes Wilderness School, Urban Kid Adventurers, Mount Victory Camp in the US Virgin Islands, as well as his own company, Earth Living Skills based in NYC and the Hudson Valley. His fascination with wild edibles and medicinal plants lead him to study herbalism at the Twin Star school of energetic and herbal studies in Connecticut and his studying of indigenous shamanism lead him to begin attending sweat lodges and vision quests with the Hawk’s Nest Quest community in the Hudson Valley. His goal as a teacher and a student is to foster a deeper connection between people and the natural world in the spirit of conservation as well as rediscovering the vastness of our human potential.

Going out into the forests and fields, harvesting materials from nature, and sitting down in the sun to weave a basket is Katie’s idea of a perfect day! As an artist her passion is create art with all natural materials that she harvests and prepares from the beautiful landscape around her home. As an educator she guides adults and children alike in connecting to their creative self through the combination of art and nature. Katie has a background in Fibers Art from Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia and a BFA in Printmaking from SUNY New Paltz and currently exhibits work regionally in galleries and teaches basketry workshops throughout the Hudson Valley.