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Backyard Basketry: Coiling with Cattails, Grasses, and More

Sunday May 19th 2024 in the Hudson Valley, New York State

IMG 5751
IMG 5751
IMG 3190
A Beautiful Tiny Coiled Basket With Plant Dye Yarn
DSC 3784 Min
The Cattail Marsh
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Harvesting Grasses For Coiling
Wild Grass And Cattail Basket
Photo Sep 25, 3 55 55 PM
DSC 3839 Min
Coiled Grass Basket
DSC 3866 Min
IMG 5751IMG 3190Tiny Coiled BasketDSC 3784 MinThe Cattail Marsh DSC0125 CopyHarvesting Grass BasketsCoiled Basketry Workshop 1Photo Sep 25, 3 55 55 PMDSC 3839 MinCoiled Grass BasketDSC 3866 Min

UPDATE MAY 13th- The class is now full, but you can sign up for the waitlist below! It is not unlikely that a spot will open up before this weekend. You can also email me for faster updates at

Hi everyone! As you might know I have not been teaching this year in order to devote time to other projects (a book!) But now I have a free weekend and have decided to teach a pop-up workshop! It will run on Sunday May 19th as long as I can get a minimum number of folks to sign up. 

All the details are below and pre-registration is required. Click the button below to register and email me at if you have any questions : ) 

Coiled Basketry with Grasses, Cattails, and More

Have you ever looked outside and wondered what you could make with the abundance of natural materials growing in your own yard? In this workshop you will learn how to take grasses, cattails, daylily leaves, and many other natural materials and create coiled baskets. Coiling is an ancient and versatile basketry technique in which a wrapping strand is sewn around coils of material to build a form. It is used all over the world to create beautiful vessels that can be either decorative or functional. During the workshop we will discuss how to identify, harvest, and prepare a variety of local materials all while coiling baskets using a variety of stitches. If you are excited about using found natural materials to create art and learning a fun and unique new skill, then join us! Everyone will leave with a basket, the skills to create more pieces in the future, and inspiration to explore your local natural landscape.



Katie Grove Studios, Old Kings Highway, Stone Ridge NY 12484 (address upon sign up) 


Sunday May 19th 2024

10:00 am – 4:00 pm


$100.00 (includes all materials)


If you are traveling to the workshop there are many lovely places to spend the night locally. Here are a few links to the ones I am somewhat familiar with and a google search will find you more. Nearby Kingston and New Paltz also have motels and hotels.


There are many Airbnbs in the area! High Falls, Stone Ridge, and Accord are the closest towns to look in. 

Bed and Breakfasts:

The 1850s House

The Arbor BNB


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